Hey ladies, After making a decision to become Au Naturale, then taking it a step further and completing my first" big chop". There is something different about me , there is something stirring up inside of me . I feel refreshed, I feel free, I feel such a huge feeling of self love and self acceptance, I feel a sense of belonging. As I sit here posting this blog, I cry tears of complete joy, yes I am a crier ( LOL). You ladies cant even imagine the journey I had to take to get to this place. With the total help of Allah (SWT), this journey has become easier and easier. I finally feel a sense of freedom , no longer feeling bogged down. Feeling close to who I am and where I want to be as a woman who has arrived. This is truly a step to refining who I am, I am actually beginning to love .......me !. Being totally honest I am one who has extremely low self -esteem, I have fought this low point in my life off and on for many , many years. My problem was ( notice "was") that I allow people to define who I am through there perception and views of me. I would negotiate for peoples acceptance, Ya Allah ! . Now, some may be thinking , how in the world can cutting your hair and deciding to become naturle do all of this for me. Well..... because for myself this is also a sense of spiritually , a change of my mental state, how I feel about me, almost like a cleansing, or a movement if you will. I know for certain now , with out a doubt, that there is no one else accept Allah (SWT) and Allah (SWT) alone to be concerned with in the way of my acceptance. I know this , I live this, and I will always , always remember this. So ladies, there you have it. What a journey it has been, so to all of you ladies who has been on this journey, and to all of you ladies who are currently are on this journey. Lets celebrate !!!!!!!, This is truuuuuly a place worth being.
Summer Ready Curls
2 hours ago
Alhamdullilah sis, I am sooo happy for you!!! Guess what, I use to relax my hair like 4x a year but I no longer do and I just got the remaining relaxed hair cut off my egdes. She had to cut like 2 inches but now Iam all natural too!!! Funny thing is no one can tell because my hair looks the same as it did when it was relaxed, the only difference is when I work out or sweat my hair can get a little frizzy but other than that my hair looks the same. So much for thinking you need a relaxer. LOL. How short did you cut it?? Iam happy for you :)
As salaamu alaikum inspired Muslimah, I cut my hair preeeetty short ,(LOL) close to the scalp. Thanks so much for stopping by please visit often , Insha Allah. As salaamu alaikum
(followed by a smile)
Congratulations!! I saw your comment on another blog and just wanted to offer congrats! It's a big decision and it feels great. Also...you BC'ed on my birthday.
Awww, thank you so much sacredangel I really, really appreciate that! (smile)
Congratulations! It is truly liberating to go natural :)
thank you Amina, YES IT IS! (smile)
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