As salaamu alaikum & Hello ladies,
I reiceved a very important E-mail today, from a fellow sister in islaam on a very important topic. Asking to pass on this information in relation to helping to support Breast cancer. As all of you ladies may know breast cancer is a extremely dangerous and a life threating disease that affects thousands and thousands of women daily.
I have had many personal experiences with cancer of all kinds, within myself and my family. Cancer runs in my family from both sides of my parents. My mother who lost her fight with lung cancer about 17 years ago, at the tender age of 55. Then there is my father , who has currently beat his battle with prostate cancer 1 year ago and is going strong every single day. Then there is me about 6-7 months ago had a close call with cancer , in which it required extensive surgery. Through the mercy and kindness of Allaah ( subhaanahu wa ta aala ) I am here to speak about it today, wa hamdulliaah!!!! ( praise be to god)
My ultimate goal is to some day SOON, Insha Allaah ta'aala ( god willing) participate in a walk or run marathon in support of cancer, breast cancer etc.
Breast Cancer Stamp Booklet
We need those of you who are great at forwarding on information with your E-mail network. Please read and pss this on . It would be wonderful if 2010 were the year a cure for breast cancer was found!!!
This is one Email you should be glad to pass on. The notion that we could raise $ 35 million by buy buying a book of stamps is powerful! As you may be aware , the US Postal service has the " fund for cure" stamp to help fund breast cancer research. The stamp was designed Ethel Kessler , Maryland. It is important that we take a stand against this disease that affects our Mothers, sisters, co-workers, friends and spouses of co-workers. Instead of the normal 44cents for a stamp, this cost 55 cents. The addtional 11 cents will go to breast cancer research a normal book cost $8.80. This one is onley $ 11.00. It takes a few minutes in line at the post office and means so much. If all stamps are sold, it will raise an additional $ 35,000,000 for this vital research. Just as important as the money is , our support. What a statement it would make if the stamp out sold the lottery this week. What a statement it would make that we care.
I urge you to do two things :
1. Go out and purchase some of these stamps.
2. E- mail your friends & sisters in Islaam to do the same.
Many of us know women and their families whose lives are turned upside down by breast cancer. It takes so little to do so much in this drive.
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8 hours ago
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