Sunday, April 21, 2013


Hello Ladies!

I hope everyone had a great yet beneficial weekend.  With the warmer weather quickly approaching, It is important to find ways to protect our tresses from sun damage. Which can be just as important as direct heat damage.

Many of you fabulous ladies, may enjoy a bit of beach action from time to time during the summer. Whether sunning on the beach , at a summer barbecue or in your very own back yard.

Did you know that the many rays from the sun can cause permanent damage to the outside of our hair strands. Which is the cuticle,   then  penetrating into the center of hair. Which is the cortex , therefore causing sometimes irreversible damage there.

There are a few ways that can help in protecting your hair.

Invest in a small personal pocket sized spray bottle:

 Fill your spray bottle  with a bit of water mixed with a  bit of Aloe Vera Juice. Give your hair a few quick sprays of your favorite water mixture. By doing this it will allow your hair to stay moisturized thus preventing  dryness from the sun.

Adorn a Hat , turban or scarf : 

In today's world wind of fashion there are a few fly hats that can be worn during your barbecue or beach outings , particularly the wide brimmed  floppy!. Then there are the very popular Turbans, or a beautiful summer material type scarf. Either of the mentioned here will protect your tresses from the hot rays of the sun.

Wearing your hair in a bun:

This will allow protection of the ends of your hair. Which as we all know are the oldest and likely the most damaged parts of our hair. Although doing this does not give you overall protection. However it is a start.

Checking your products:

 Making sure we are using moisture based products are just as important as using them any other time of the year. Sitting in the sun can definitely cause dry, brittle hair. We want to be sure our hair has moisture before setting out for a great day of sun and barbecue. Additional, making sure not to use an overabundance of oil filled products may further aide in burning or damaging  your hair due to the sun rays.

I hope you ladies find these tips to be helpful. Thanks for stopping by , take care. And remember to stay positive, fly, and naturally healthy and fabulous!



Michelle @Radiant Brown said...

Great tips. It's too hot for me to wear a hat in summer. I just roll with it and give my hair TLC when I get home.

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,

Thanks!. Lol! I'm sure your hair appreciates it all.

Thanks for stopping by Michelle, Take Care!